Parents Rights

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Parents Rights is the tip of the iceberg for the success of all our children. I will work with our parents for our children to secure our families just as fervently as I have for the Shriner's Children's Hospital, where we do everything we can to make a new future for children.

What I will fight for is more choices to help parents get their children the best education possible.


All these things are a great start to providing parents the opportunity to decide what is best for their children. Sometimes we get too caught up in our politics and forget that all these decisions are for the children, not our political goals. Some of the books in the news are absolutely ridiculous for a school setting and I don't understand how they made it past the school administrators. We can do a lot more to encourage parents to support the nuclear family unit. Strong families are the bedrock of all communities.

  • My plans for senior care compliment the family unit by keeping grand parents close to their families and engaged in a fulfilling life.
  • My plans for affordable housing, and multi-use buildings keep families and communities together.